Identify and determine the meaning of figurative language including idioms, similes, and metaphors
Determine the meaning of unknown words using context clues, synonyms, antonyms, and restatements
Analyze the meaning of complex words using roots, prefixes, and suffixes
Reading Comprehension
Develop various reading strategies to improve comprehension: visualize; Reread; Make, confirm, and revise predictions and inferences; Ask and Answer questions; Summarize
Apply various reading skills to analyze text and deepen understanding: Point of view of narrator or author; Identify story elements (character, setting, plot, sequence, problem & solution); Main idea and key details; Theme
Analyze text structure to deepen understanding: Problem & solution, Compare & contrast, Cause & effect, Sequence, Main idea and key details
Comprehend, analyze, and compose different types of poems including Haiku, acrostic, couplet, limerick, etc.
Writing and Grammar
Identify and use descriptive details, including adjectives and adverbs, when writing
Use conjunctions for transition
Compose a complete sentence including a complex sentence
Identify and revise sentence fragments and run-on sentences
Use the correct subject-verb agreement
Compose organized 5 paragraph essays including opinion, informative and narrative essays
Use the writing process to organize, plan, revise, edit, and digitally publish writing
Number Sense
Understand place value of a whole number up to one billion and decimals to two decimal places
Apply strategies and place value understanding to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems
Multiply a 1- and 2-digit number by a larger number
Add and subtract up to five to seven digits
Develop long division strategies including the algorithm
Understand the meaning of a remainder in division
Understand fraction equivalence and ordering of fractions with like and unlike denominators
Add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators including mixed fractions
Multiply a fraction by a whole number
Understand decimal notation of fractions and compare decimals to fractions
Add and subtract decimals
Compare and order decimals to the hundreth
Geometry and Measurement
Identify and classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles
Calculate the area and perimeter for different types of geometric shapes
Apply the area and perimeter formulas for quadrilaterals in real world and mathematical problems.
Social Studies
Use map skills to identify locations and landforms
Demonstrate an understanding of the physical and human geographic features that define places and regions in California.
Compare and contrast motivations to come to/live in California spanning from early nomads to present day residents.
Discuss the major nations of California Indians, including their geographic distribution, economic activities, legends, and religious beliefs. Describe how they depended on, adapted to, and modified the physical environment by cultivation of land and use of sea resources.
Describe the daily lives of the people, native and nonnative, who occupied the presidios, missions, ranchos, and pueblos.
Analyze the effects of the Gold Rush on settlements, daily life, politics, and the physical environment.
Explain how the Gold Rush transformed the economy of California, including the types of products produced and consumed and changes in towns.
Discuss the importance, the purpose, and the relationship between the California Constitution and U.S. Constitution.
Life science
Attend and host weekly Mass.
Understand and apply the rules of God to our lives, including the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes.
Discuss and understand the liturgical calendar.
Discuss how the Holy Spirit guides us in making choices that show God’s goodness.
Understand through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, our relationship with God and the Church is healed. Reflect upon our daily actions and words to prepare for and attend reconciliation.
Understand that we are called to vocation, including religious life, married life, and single life.
CGS-Sr. Monica
Extra-Curricular subjects
Field trips
Sacred Heart of Jesus Retreat Center for Vocational Retreat (Virtual this year)
Mission San Juan Capistrano (Amtrak train)- Due to COVID this field trip will not happen this year
Science Water Festival- Due to COVID this field trip will not happen this year