Understands that God speaks to us through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
Pinpoints Saint Peter and the Apostles as those on whom Jesus founded his Church.
Categorizes the seven sacraments of the Catholic Faith into sacraments of initiation, healing, and commitment.
Defines sacrament as an outward sign of God’s love for us.
Recognizes the Catholic Church as the Sacrament of Jesus’ presence in the world.
Follow the examples of Saint Damien de Veuster, Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Saint Jerome, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and Saint Peter when looking for role models of their Catholic faith.
Celebrate the Paschal Mystery in the Sacraments.
Recognize their welcome into the Church through Baptism and Confirmation.
Receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Identify Penance and Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick as the Sacraments of Healing.
Look to Holy Orders and Matrimony as Sacraments at the Service of Communion.
Follow the examples of Blessed Miguel Pro, Saint Margaret Clitherow, Blessed Francisco Marto, Saint Anne, and Saint Philip Neri when looking for role models of Catholic worship.
Life & Service
Follow the Beatitudes as examples of how to live as Jesus taught.
Receive God’s grace through the Sacraments.
Celebrates the sacraments with school community, particularly the Eucharist and Reconciliation.
Attend weekly Mass and take an active role by preparing the Liturgy of the Word as well as bringing up gifts, ushering, etc.
Identifies the Communion of Saints as all the faithful followers of Jesus.
Look to the Ten Commandments when determining how to live as God’s children.
Grow closer to God by growing in virtue.
Assist their primary “buddies” during weekly masses as well as hands-on Religious projects.
Actively participate in various activities to help those less fortunate (veterans, those in need, the poor, the elderly, etc.)
Look to the examples of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, Saint Katherine Drexel, Saint Therese, Saint Augustine, and Saint Margaret of Scotland when looking for examples of a good, Catholic life.
Grow closer to God through the use of Sacramentals and study of Old and New Testament scripture.
Identify the central truths of the Catholic faith in the Apostles’ Creed.
Recognize the Lord’s Prayer as the most perfect of prayers.
Utilizes various prayer forms, including traditional prayer, the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplets, Grace before meals, Praise and Worship songs, Meditation, and the Stations of the Cross.
Receive God’s mercy in the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.
Begin to discern and discover their vocation through prayer.
Participates in morning offering and petitions, noon prayers, and afternoon prayer with their class and school community.
Look to Saint Helena, Saint Patrick, Blessed Julian of Norwich, Saint Maria Goretti, and Saint Brigid of Ireland as examples of prayerful Catholics.
Language Arts
Builds vocabulary through an understanding of word structure and Greek and Latin roots, as well as the use of synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms.
Increases comprehension through prediction, inference, comparison, and the drawing of conclusions.
Understands cause and effect.
Differentiates between fact and opinion.
Identifies story elements as well as the author’s point of view.
Employs various reference tools to effectively find information within books, journals, newspapers, and libraries, as wells as accessing online information.
Sets and meets monthly Accelerated Reader goals to build Reading Comprehension from a daily independent reading of level-appropriate texts.
Utilizes writing process strategies: pre-writing, rough draft, proofreading, revising, and final copy
Constructs effective writings of varying length to include single and multiple paragraph works
Develops writings of different genres to include: comparative, explanatory, expository, personal narrative, persuasive, and story writing
Produces a research paper using multiple sources, including the correct citing of sources
Writes using captivating wording, correct grammar, and mechanics.
Determines the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words based on grade-appropriate text.
Demonstrates an understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meaning.
Continues to develop level-appropriate vocabulary, including relational and transition words used in formal writing.
Listening and Speaking
Processes oral information in order to formulate thought-provoking questions to enhance learning
Shares knowledge acquired with others through engaging and informational oral presentations
Engages in constructive dialogue
Clarifies views with supportive examples
Number Sense
Works comfortably with whole numbers up to six digits long and decimals to the thousandths place.
Utilizes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals.
Accurately places integers, decimals, fractions, and mixed numbers on a number line.
Identifies least common multiple and greatest common factor of number pairs
Equates proper, improper, and mixed fractions
Uses rounding and compatible numbers to estimate
Adds and subtracts negative numbers
Algebra and Functions
Constructs and solves simple algebraic expressions with one variable
Places ordered pairs in the four quadrants of the coordinate plane
Graphs simple algebraic expressions
Maps and extends geometric and numeric patterns
Measurement and Geometry
Chooses appropriate unit of measure for weight, length, volume, and temperature
Employs correct terminology with regard to line, angle, circle, and three-dimensional rectangular prisms
Calculates perimeter and area of a variety of polygons and circles
Finds the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms
Explores tessellation, translation, reflection, and figure rotation
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
Calculates mean, mode, and median of a given set of numbers
Employs appropriate types of graphs to most effectively display data
Utilizes graphs to predict trends
Mathematical Reasoning
Deciphers information in word problems to determine means to arrive at its successful solution
Utilizes various strategies to problem solve
Makes precise calculations and verifies to assure validity
Physical Science
Sequences the complexity of atoms, elements, and compounds, and understands how they work together to make all types of matter
Observes various properties of matter and how it may change states
Classifies various forms of energy and their transfer
Earth Science
Diagrams the following cycles: water, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide/oxygen
Assess the Earth’s weather through the analysis of the moment of air masses
Demonstrates how Earth’s movement affects the cycle of day and night, as well as constellations seen and the changing of the seasons.
Compares Earth with its moon, the sun, and the planets in our solar system
Life Science
Classifies living things
Identifies how certain animal and plant characteristics allow them to thrive in different ecosystems.
Understands the development of body systems from single cells
Investigates plant adaptations and processes
Investigation and Experimentation
Asks meaningful questions and participates in investigations to develop further understanding of concepts
Social Studies
Traces earliest migration of prehistoric tribes into North America and their adaptations to the environment
Identifies various explorers and their accomplishments
Studies: colonization, independence, government formation, western frontier expansion, and the division of the union
Distinguishes various geographic regions within the United States and understands the relationship between human survival and the land
Locates the 50 states, identifying their capitals and abbreviations.
Recognizes the significance of trade between Europe and the Americas
Studies the economies of the early colonies
Analyzes the British debt after the French and Indian War
Understands the importance of a dependable monetary system in the young United States
Sees the USA as a pluralistic society
Role-plays life as an explorer
Role-plays life at the dawn of the Revolutionary War
Ethics and Beliefs
Distinguishes between Puritan, Quaker, and Native American belief systems
Contrasts the arguments for and against slavery in the United States
Social and Political Systems
Compares Native American and Colonial American cultures
Contrasts forms of government including monarchy, democracy, and republic.
Extracurricular Courses and Activities (Due to COVID, these will not take place in the 2020- 2021 school year)
Innovation Lab, Physical Education, Art, Music, Orchestra, Choir, Piano, Sports (Volleyball, Flag Football, Basketball, Track, and Field), Dance, Homework Club, Educational Field Trips
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Riley’s Farm, UCI Water Festival